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Vancouver Archbishop offers prayers for inquiry Statement on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Inquiry

Archbishop J. Michael Miller offers prayers that the inquiry’s work will bring about justice and closure for the loved ones of the 1,200 murdered or missing Indigenous women.
VANCOUVER (Sept. 2, 2016) – Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: As the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls officially begins, I offer my personal prayers that its work may bring closure to the loved ones of the 1,200 murdered or missing Indigenous women, and ensure that everything possible is done to see to it that justice prevails.
This inquiry will play an important role in addressing many issues, among which are those of sexual violence, domestic violence and human trafficking.  Let us all pray that the commissioners will be guided by the Holy Spirit as they seek to identify and end the violence that is too often a part of the lives of Indigenous women and girls.
Through its Social Justice Office, First Nations Ministry Office, and ministries in the Downtown Eastside, the Archdiocese of Vancouver strives to reverse the systemic causes that lead women to turn to the streets through prostitution and sex trafficking.  I encourage the faithful and all people of good will who want to learn more and join in this important endeavour to visit our anti-human trafficking webpage for resources and information about our work and upcoming events.
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