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Gringo (PG)

Ahead of their time. Right on the mark are the writers of Gringo for concocting a dynamic tale fit for the times. Catch this zesty thriller from VVS Films at various Cineplex cites throughout B.C.

Originality has gone by the boards in Hollywood in recent years. Taking a page out of the Guy Ritchie Snatched Playbook Gringo comes across as a true breath of fresh air. Windy Chicago is where our story takes off. Straight as an arrow Daniel Oyelowo plays the perfect fish out of water Harold Soyinka . Total blinders obscure this happily married guy to Thandie Newton whose boss Joel Edgerton runs the company and continues to promise his best employee all good things and a bright future. Alas  looks and appearances can be deceiving

Shenanigans galore find a pleasant home at this corporate workplace. Figure in Hoods guns, medics, double and trip crosses and power plays south of the border with a drug kingpin with a rather morbid fascination with The Beatles and you are left with a riotous jaunt. And the icing on the cake has got to be Charlie Theron whose vampish character may well set back the me-too movement for generations. Check that, Ms. Theron’s character is out for career advancement on her own terms, and the results are hilarious as this modern Mata Hari uses all her feminine charm to create chaos.



By Alan Samuel

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