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The Internship (PG) * * * * Shining Lights!

intershipLead by example. Two wash­outs get a new lease on life in The Internship. Funny from start to finish 20th Century Fox unleashes a perfect summer time treat now screening at the Empire Espla­nade 6, Empire Studio 12, Colos­sus and Cineplex Odeon Theatres around B.C. Follow the news and you’ll see much of the world is in chaos. Economic calamity has seen scores of people sent to the un­employment line. Meet two of the newest loss victims: Billy and Nick. Good off screen on screen buddies Vince Vaughn (Swingers) and Owen Wilson (Night at the Museum) are picture perfect as the pair of slobs hoping to land new jobs. Neither of these guys are that bright so comical chaos ensues as they unwittingly line up to score a gig at Google.

High teck is clearly not the forte of these hapless souls. Once bound for San Francisco the two eagerly await the chal­lenge of becoming a candidate for those coveted intership jobs at a place considered to be one of the best employers in the world. Unfortunately these aging dino­saurs are just a touch “older” than most of the Google crowd so fric­tion almost immediately sets in from the get go. How a couple of bumblers like these adapt to such a strange modern environment provides the glue to kickstart this wildly funny and fully engaging movie.

Blessed by an excessively youthful cast and extensive shoot­ing at Google’s place of work in Silicon Valley The Internship is a laugh out loud riot. Versatile di­rector Montreal born Shawn Levy (The Pink Panther) ramps up the insanity of losing a job and trying to fit in amidst a huge age gap. Bittersweet at times but warm and endearing, The Intership is a movie that appeals to all ages and is perfect family fair. Think Wedding Crashers goes Back To School and you have the recipe for a comedy for the ages and a film that has lost of legs. Oh, and there are some great coming of age segments sure to bring the house down which is abutted by some hilarious takes on some ethnic minorities that are deftly handled and deliciously deliv­ered.

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